Quiz: Is it time to revisit your resolutions?
1. How successful do you think you’ve been thus far in keeping to your New Year resolutions for 2019?
a) Not very…
b) I’m trying
c) So, so
d) Doing pretty well
e) I’m totally bossing it!
2. On a scale of one-10, how would you rate your commitment to fulfilling your resolutions?
a) 0
b) 1-3
c) 4-6
d) 7-8
e) 9-10
3. Do you make resolutions every year?
a) No, this is my first time
b) Probably every other year
c) I try to make at least one
d) I always have a couple
e) Yes, without fail
4. How achievable would you say your resolutions are?
a) Nigh-on impossible
b) I may have overestimated my abilities…
c) I’m not sure they are what I want any more
d) I’ve already aced them!
e) Challenging, but do-able
5. Which of the following is the biggest challenge for you?
a) Sticking to a plan
b) Staying motivated
c) Managing my goals
d) Sustaining interest
e) Keeping track of my
6. How would you feel if you didn’t fulfil your resolutions for this year?
a) Not really bothered
b) A little disappointed
c) Frustrated
d) Like I’ve let myself down
e) Devastated
7. How satisfied are you with your current lifestyle?
a) Indifferent
b) I’m a little bored
c) Pretty content
d) Mostly happy
e) Extremely fulfilled
8. Are your resolutions varied, or focused in on one specific area?
a) I only have one resolution
b) They are pretty narrow
c) A couple are quite similar
d) I try to have a variety
e) I’ve got all sorts
9. Do your resolutions have longevity?
a) Not really
b) They are short-term
c) Some do, some don’t
d) Mostly
e) They evolve as I fulfil them
It seems like you haven’t been invested in your resolutions. This might be because you’re happy with things the way they are, or you didn’t make the right resolutions. Perhaps think about reconsidering your goals and assess what your aims are for the rest of this year, then set your 2020 resolutions and plan of action accordingly. Dr Sally Ann Law, Personal and Executive Coach says… “There’s no point beating yourself up, but you have to ask yourself how seriously you took this. Think hard about what matters and make the resolution you choose for the rest of 2019 one that means something to you.”
You’ve got a loose framework in place, but are struggling to fully commit. It may be that the goals you’ve set are either too low or too high, and you’re avoiding putting in the necessary work. Adjust your resolutions, making sure they are achievable, but also challenge you over the next six months. Dr Sally Ann says… “Well done for not falling off the wagon entirely, given you’ve found it hard to stick to your guns. You could maybe use a little help from a friend to check the milestones you’ve set yourself are doable. Trying to stretch yourself a little more to make quicker progress will keep you motivated.”
You’re sticking to your resolutions as best you can, but there’s something holding you back from crossing the finish line. Get specific: for example, if your resolution is to read more, update and refine it to read one book a month. By doing this you break down your goals into achievable chunks. Dr Sally Ann says… “It seems you need to push yourself to see results. Check your resolutions are still meaningful and if not, set new, specific targets each week for the rest of the year. This should keep you on track and help you see the progress you’re looking for.”
Make sure you continue to evaluate your successes as you go. It can be all too easy to bob along as you are, slipping back into your old ways and letting progress slip, so keep a record of your resolutions, ticking milestones off as you reach them. Dr Sally Ann says… “You’re taking this challenge seriously and have made great progress. Now you need to guard against complacency. It’s easy to rest on your laurels and feel like you’ve cracked it, but that’s when you are in most danger of letting your advances slip.”
You’ve set your resolutions and you’re doing a great job of sticking to them. Make sure as you succeed in fulfilling them, you set yourself new ones that challenge your abilities and motivate you to reach for new heights. Dr Sally Ann says… “It’s great you feel fulfilled and motivated about the goals you set, and the way you’ve managed to meet them. Now you know you can do it and how to make it work, you are in a great position to start again, choosing new resolutions that will really help you feel good about the way your life is going.”