Edith Bowman on the process of ageing
When asked how old he was, a friend of mine used to say: ‘It’s only Earth years.’ I now use that phrase quite regularly. I’m in my 40s and genuinely I’ve never been more happy. The truth is I’m getting older and that’s not going to change – no matter how many times I re-watch 80s film Cocoon.
We live in a time where so many people do battle with the ageing process. I don’t necessarily fight it, but perhaps put in a bit of a scrap. As with anything in life, you just have to make a decent fist of it.
Betty Friedan, the great American feminist, said: ‘Ageing is not lost youth, but a new stage of opportunity and strength.’ And I agree. I do more exercise now than ever and am probably in the best shape I’ve been in for years. Not because I’m scared of wobbles, cellulite or getting fatter, but because it makes me feel good.
You might think ‘This is all well and good, but I’m too busy to get fit.’ I have to put time aside for it and literally carve a weekly hot yoga class into my diary. It is, effectively, a weekly cleanse. I also schedule in a 4K run while my eight-year-old has football training on a Sunday, and do 20 lengths while my four-year-old has a swimming lesson every Tuesday. I can’t do the gym; I’ve no self motivation for it and I get bored quickly, plus they play terrible music.
As for looks, I remember my mum being worried about going grey. I’d always tell her that going grey was gorgeous, graceful and stylish. In fact, I’ve started going grey myself and don’t mind it one jot. Fillers don’t interest me, but I use oil on my face and take Lumity supplements, which are a one-stop shop for your skin, sleep and energy. I also take non-dairy kefir every day and probiotics. Again, it’s a case of keeping things as natural as possible.
There’s a lot of pressure on women, and increasingly men, to look perfect these days. And it’s nonsense. Imperfections are what’s attractive. Surely it’s better to be honest in all aspects of life, and that includes how you look. I’d rather see the story in someone’s face, than not see any kind of emotion. You can tell when someone has had Botox, fillers, or whatever else is on offer.
In my opinion, such people aren’t doing it because they want to, but because they feel they have to. Why can’t we dare to bare our pasts, our feelings and lives? These Earth years are going so fast I’m sure we can find better ways of making them count.
Listen to Edith Bowman at Breakfast every weekday from 6am-10am on Virgin Radio
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