The green girl’s guide to surfing the crimson wave
The menstruation market is getting greener. And with scary stats about how many period products are thrown away every year (100 billion) and how long they will take to degrade in landfills (50 years), it’s kind of late.
Eco-pioneers KeepCup launched the original reusable menstrual cup back in 2002, but it took over a decade, some savvy taboo-breaking marketing and the maturing of the millennial eco brigade for the message to go mainstream.
Other brands since have launched their own environmentally-friendly alternatives to traditional tampons and sanitary towels, including ‘period panties’ (nice one, THINX) and ‘reusable applicators’ (good one, DAME).
Find it all a bit gross? Though it’s tempting to say ‘get over it’, it’s understandable given that is still (somehow) society’s general message — but it’s a real blot on one’s otherwise squeaky green sheet. The average women throws away 250-300 lbs of period-related rubbish in a lifetime and that’s before you even start on the ‘bin or flush’ debate. (Spoiler: It’s not a debate — definitely bin.)
Just trial one of these eco period products — for the health of your body, bank balance, and planet…