Nutritional Therapist Libby Limon on combating leisure sickness
First to exacerbate leisure sickness is additional stress created by getting yourself ready to take time off on your much deserved holiday. Longer to-do lists, workload handover requirements, packing, cleaning the house before you leave and the fear of flying are just a few factors that all add to the build-up of pre-vaycay stress and anxiety. Our ability to cope with the constants of modern-day living leaves many of us in a chronic state of stress, with a tendency for anxiety, poor sleep and feeling overwhelmed which can then tip over to the development of physical symptoms and illness.
TRY Magnesium is an important mineral that works to regulate our ability to deal with stress, and is commonly insufficient in our diets. Taking a food-based magnesium supplement that is easy for the body to absorb is a simple way to top up your levels to the daily recommended intake of 375mg. Taking some time to incorporate a few stress relief methods into your everyday routine such as mindful breathing, walking or yoga can also help you to switch off more effectively to help reduce the risk of burnout. If you are prone to feeling a little overwhelmed or anxious about flying and travelling in general then flower essence is another powerful travel essential. Helping you to deal with emotional exhaustion and stress they may help you sleep & settle into your new holiday routine more easily.
Travel itself can be an assault on our immune system, especially if we jetting off long-distance. Researchers working with Hertzberg and Boeing in Seattle boarded 10 domestic US flights, testing 1,540 passengers and 41 cabin crew, and found sitting on the same row with a fellow passenger with a cold or flu gives you an 80% probability you will catch the lurgy.
TRY As we are all too aware, moving seats is a rare luxury. So, try giving medicinal mushrooms a go the next time you hop on board. Reishi, lion’s mane, cordyceps and chaga (to name a few) are a great health hack that can help support your immune system, to give it the best fighting chance to be in the other infection-beating 20%.
Another area that people probably speak about less, but can commonly strike holidaymakers down, is digestion. Travellers’ diarrhoea can affect between 30-70% of those heading to foreign climes.
TRY Probiotics are a proven way to protect against gut misadventures, both at home and away. Introducing a probiotic to your diet for a few weeks before your trip, and continuing whilst you are away, can reduce tummy issues significantly.
As with all things health and wellness, pre-emptive action is always the best way to tackle these things. Adding a few simple things to your routine leading up to your break may be just what your body needs for you to get the most out of your holiday.
Libby Limon is a Nutritional Therapist and Yoga Teacher who believes in creating optimal health through a diet and lifestyle that fits around your life.