Tom Rosenthal on Circumcision and ‘Manhood’
The star of Friday Night Dinners and Plebs chats to BALANCE
Tom Rosenthal is a brilliant actor and stand-up comedian. And, thankfully, guest on the BALANCE podcast.
The star of Friday Night Dinners and Plebs is currently on tour with new show Manhood. Tickets can be bought here. And what compelling subject matter it all makes.
We will explain…
Like millions of others, Tom was circumcised. And this is something that has traumatised him ever since. In his brilliant new show (which BALANCE has seen many times), Tom address his problems with circumcision and, as he reveals in our chat, hopes to make a positive change.
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You’ll find every episode there too, with previous guests including Ricky Gervais, Regina King, Henry Cavill, Romesh Ranganathan, Patricia Arquette and many more.
To the uninitiated, in each episode, deputy editor James Gill (occasionally joined by founder/editor Sophie Scott) chats with luminaries from entertainment, wellness, sport, business and beyond about how to optimise health, happiness and performance. And should you want to rate it five stars, we’d be very grateful.
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