Just In: Your June 2019 Horoscope
How is it already JUNE?!
Eclipse season is back in action in a month and a lot is going on for Gemini Rising; meaning a busy month of nonstop plans for Gemini and Sagittarius dominants.
There’s a Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 17th June that provides the perfect opportunity to connect with our emotional and spiritual self; giving you the chance to consider what brings real meaning to your life and trusting that intuition.
On 14th June the Scorpio Moon will be big, waxing and heading for fullness with Jupiter, so be ready for a weekend of high emotion and try to channel it into rejuvenation.
Here are your June 2019 horoscopes…
Watch out for your busyness shifting to burn-out this month if you don’t give yourself a breather, through guided meditations or whatever works for you.
Use the New Moon on 3rd to communicate with your higher self and readjust beliefs that are no longer serving you. If you need a focus then buy a pack of tarot cards, write a letter to yourself and listen to your instincts.
You’ll experience a boost of charm on 9th as Venus moves into your sign; contributing for a potentially magical month if you manage it well, not giving into faffing in the guise of ‘multitasking’. Note your dreams on 9th and 10th, writing them down first thing.
Slow things down on 21st as the Sun moves into Cancer, taking time to reflect on the plans you’ve put in place in the beginning of the month.
Remember: June is Gemini Season, this is your time.
Mars is in your sign through June, manifesting in you feeling pumped and ready for action — maybe even a little feisty, but that depends on the mood of your moon-driven nature! The New Moon (3rd) encourages a connection with your private self; perhaps enjoying time alone, without distractions, enabling you to communicate with your higher self more intimately and getting familiar with your subconscious.
On the 4th, Mercury moves into Cancer which can clarify your feelings, though action might be hindered by daydreaming and creativity until Solstice when the Sun moves into your sign.
The 14th should be a good day for water signs, especially as this one’s all about letting your feelings flow. And past memories arise on 20th as Mercury in Cancer moves into the shadow phase, giving you the chance to put things in order before next month.
Neptune turns retrograde on 21st, just an hour before the Sun moves into your sign, making it a good time to revise your beliefs, plans and inner sentiments.
Spend June doing things you love and letting the happiness shine through, but there’s some activity in your private twelfth house which asks for a little alone time.
The New Moon in Gemini (3rd) is the time to think about how you want to communicate with the world at large. And the Full Moon (17th) will see light in the fun, creative sector of your chart, encouraging you to shine and be seen. But find a balance between that and working with others through a deep connection with someone else.
Those of you born between 9th – 13th of August could feel challenged by Saturn and Neptune on 18th, prodding you to action some of the dreams that you have been brewing — which will feel both out of your comfort zone but rewarding.
Don’t rush any decisions as Mercury retrograde in July will give you time to rethink some of your dreams.
Virgo and Gemini, the sign where this month’s New Moon (3rd) is located, have a real resonance. It falls in your career zone this month, providing an opportunity for you to look at your communication dynamic — whether you err on the side of too generous with some people, both on a professional and personal basis. Remember: It’s OK to say no!
The Full Moon (17th) brings your work life balance into focus; while you value status, it can be positive to just chill. Virgos have a tendency to push themselves too hard, so take this opportunity to relax and have fun!
Neptune moves retrograde in your partner sign Pisces on 21st which, though it’s not a new occurrence, will probably affect those born between 10th – 14th September the most. Virgos have an endearing tendency to put others first, but be cautious of who you choose as a partner, of advice others give you and what you expose yourself to! From 21st, the Sun will be in your friendship and connection zone making it a good time to nourish your valuable friendships.
Though it’s a magical planet of connection to the universe as a whole, if we are not mindful and connected Neptune can feel confused and delusional.
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The 3rd will be a great day to dream about future adventures, so embrace it through wanderlust via a book, finalising flights or a new language course. With planets in both Cancer and Capricorn, some Libras could be feeling universal discipline from mighty Saturn and Pluto; particularly those born 9th – 18th of October.
Your ruler Venus moves from Taurus to Gemini on the 9th, turbo-charging you with charm; how will you utilise this?
Make some optimistic plans for the future on the Full Moon (17th), however, if you feel as if you are overdoing it, try some gentle exercise, a day of smoothies, reducing caffeine and or simply taking a nap!
As Saturn and Pluto are currently retrograde, enjoy the reprieve while the intensity of 2019 is potentially not as strong.
The New Moon (3rd) falls in your favourite section of the chart, the 8th house; the space of sex, the occult, joint finances, depth and transformation. Give some thought to what you want to manifest.
The Gemini new moon challenges your mind to locate your articulate nature, that you might not always listen to, and consider your finances, commitment and intuition.
Venus will be in your relationship sector until the 9th so it’s a times for first dates and giving connections some time, though relationships could still be shifting; especially for those of you born in October.
Any anxieties around freedom and identity will not last for ever, so avoid permanent decisions but mix things up by cutting restrictions and focusing on things that excite you.
Mercury and Mars are in your 9th house so your mind might be on the future, culminating on the 14th when you might wonder how you can entirely transform your current existence. Emotions may overflow in the lead up to the Full Moon (17th) but, as the Sun continues to traverse your 8th house, dealing with things rationally through expression and communication becomes available.
The light is on your relationships, with the Sun is in Gemini but, with Jupiter still languishing in your first house, this is a time of serious activity.
When the New Moon falls in your relationship zone, it’s a great time to focus on what you want, so write that love letter to the universe and make sure you know what you’re looking for.
Venus arrives in your relationship sector on the 9th, providing another opportunity to enjoy some quality time with the most special people in your life; both in work and play.
Celebrate the Full Moon (17th) in your sign, but don’t overdo it. Mars in Cancer trine to Neptune is loving but also sensitive and, at high-octane events surrounding the Full Moon, we might feel overwhelmed. Take deep breaths around family members who trigger emotional responses.
When the Sun moves into Cancer at Solstice (joining Mars and Mercury), the focus shifts to the connected areas of your emotional and financial investments. Watch overspending because the eclipses next month will trigger your financial sector and lead to empty stores.
The South Node passing through your sign for the whole of 2019, in combination with Saturn and Pluto, leads to an entire work life restructure.
Anyone with their birthday from around the 8th – 15th January will benefit from a Pluto transit.
With the New Moon in your area of work and daily routines, you have the opportunity to shuffle your daily routines to make them more efficient and organised.
Neptune is in your third house of communications and is linking up with planets in your partner sign Cancer, encouraging you to listen to your heart and what feels right.
Living in an energy-sapping 9-to-5, and working like a machine will soon be in the past; upgrade your standards.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 17th is in your spiritual and private sector, so dreams and feelings could be strong. As Mercury moves through Cancer and reaches the shadow zone of next month’s retrograde on the 20th, give relationships some space.
The New Moon in Gemini is in the fun section of your chart, asking you to get colourful with your ideas and enjoy them.
Mars is in the work section of your chart this month, so you could be busy but benefit for motivation alongside. It’s also a good time to energise your daily routine and 14th offers an opportunity to convert your creative ideas into something that could enhance your reputation, either generally or at work.
The Full Moon is in your favourite 11th house and, on 16th, we have the monthly Moon Jupiter conjunction; another great day for building connections and enjoying yourself, but quit before it gets too much!
On the 27th June, Mercury will already be in his shadow phase and will be reluctantly entering your relationship zone. So, though it doesn’t come naturally, you should review your current partnerships and address any imbalances.
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It’s a month for you due to fellow watery Cancer sitting in your 5th house of fun and creativity.
The New Moon (3rd) asks you to focus on your home, and particularly what makes you feel rooted, while your ruler Neptune is insistent that you connect with what feels right.
Neptune is about to turn retrograde on the 21st of June and is royally slow at the moment, making him royally powerful. Creative writing, painting or any form of expression that is fuelled by your imagination and insight should be firing on all cylinders now, so close your eyes and step into the unknown.
The Full Moon (17th) just reiterates this as Jupiter is in your career zone. However, let’s not forget that lots of planets are retrograde so there is no need to hurry; spend this time stretching yourself but know that there is plenty of opportunity to perfect. Just starting is the important part and luckily 21st – 27th look like they could be rich with transformation as Mercury and Mars meet Saturn and Pluto in your 11th house. If procrastination, FOMO and time management holds you back then find an authority figure (or maybe an app) that will help you focus and push you to start working on the things you love.
The New Moon this month is in your communication sector, so it’s time to focus on what you say, how you say it, what you think and why you think it.
At the moment of the New Moon, Mercury will be un-aspected (which means it’s not talking to the rest of the horoscope) and this leaves them powerful but rogue. Combining this with the fact that Mercury is in changeable Gemini and there is the potential to reprogram some of our thinking. This applies to everyone, but especially those who have this lunation in their third house. Clean up your belief state! The following day (4th), Mercury changes signs and moves into Cancer, creating a fresh and intuitive way of thinking.
Venus, who has been in Taurus and hopefully helping you to focus on your worth, will move into Gemini on the 9th and again add a touch of charm and ease to your communication style, supporting you to work on your goals.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 17th is asking you to focus on where you want to go, in terms of travel and everything you want to learn.
With Jupiter at home in his sign, adventure beckons and opportunities are ripe however, as he is retrograde, you may still be in planning phase. If you’re in doubt, wait until August when things will be clearer. As with Libra, those of you born from the 9th – 18th might feel like you’re in the middle of a major reboot. Affirmations and mantras will be great under all this Gemini energy. Remember, “I am getting stronger every day”… You are and don’t forget it.
It’s a Taurus trait to love cash in the bank and the New Moon on the 3rd is in your finance section, providing a great time to rethink your financial situation and focus on how you will create new opportunities to feel secure. The call to invest or consider one’s future is also humming in the background so some creative longterm financial planning, that also considers those you share your life with, is ripe for the 3rd.
Venus remains in Taurus until the 9th, soaking up those last few days of enjoyment, great food and even perhaps a little romance. Uranus is in Taurus and will be for the next seven years, so a few of you could be experiencing some new-found freedom and loving every second of it.
With Mercury and Mars in your communication zone from the 6th, you could enjoy some excellent conversations with your friends, siblings or neighbours. The 14th looks like a wonderful day for romance or spending time with someone you care about deeply. Though watch out for the weather as these trines can bring about some glorious sunshine or major rainfall.