Why to #BeKind on public transport
Last week, I was on a full tube in rush hour. It was baking hot, and a woman accidentally stood on my foot. We were all squashed and uncomfortable. A man suddenly said: ‘Come on, this is madness; let’s all get off and go on holiday together’. Everyone began to smile and laugh.
People like that man, the witty announcers at the Underground station who say ‘you’re going to have a beautiful day’, the bus driver who waits as you run panting to the stop – these are the people who make travelling in London bearable.
I reckon we should all contribute to this. Let’s all start smiling, saying ‘hello’, ‘thanks’ and ‘goodbye’ to our bus drivers and TfL staff. Check no one around you needs a seat more than you – if you’re not sure, look out for badges or just ask. Help people with luggage, buggies, heavy bags or directions; give loose change to buskers or charity collectors.
We’ve all heard countless times that no one talks to one another on public transport in London. So try being friendlier – have a natter, ask people how they are and hand over copies of Balance when you’re done with them. We know we live in the best city in the world; let’s make it the friendliest city, too.
Tweet your kindness adventures #BeKind and follow writer and performer Bernadette at BernadetteRussell.com or @betterussell
Read more Bernadette Russell: How to be kind at bedtime and how to be kind online