Edith Bowman talks being a mother
What do you like about being a mum? That’s a bit like being asked: What’s your favourite album? Each day would hold a different answer. The question itself is enough to make me want to throw myself around the room and dance as though no one is watching – childlike, I know.
Someone recently asked me in an interview if I’d always wanted to be a mum. I wasn’t quite sure how to answer. Yes, I guess! I think the first time I felt a new type of love, other than what I’d felt for a partner or family member, was when my nephew Kerr was born. He’s just turned 14 and I can still remember where I was when my brother Alex phoned to say he’d arrived. I was being dropped off at the not-so-glamorous goods delivery entrance of Whiteleys shopping centre in Queensway. It was 4am and I was going to host Rise on Channel 4. Those were dark days.
Since then I would like to hope that Kerr and I have shared a pretty special and loving bond – he’s the most wonderful young man, who is fantastic with other children. I remember when my first child Rudy was born nine years ago, Kerr came down to visit with his dad. In fact, Kerr was only five at the time and I vividly remember him arriving with The Hungry Caterpillar book under his arm and how, together, we read Rudy his first story.
I do LOVE being a mum, my two boys – now four and nine – are bonkers, testing, emotional, sparky, clever, hilarious, cuddly and a million other things. Every day I learn something new about them and myself.
It’s not easy, it’s hard work but it’s incredibly rewarding and I’m very thankful that I have such wonderful support around me. I wouldn’t be half the mum I am without the people in my life.
My husband Tom, without being asked, steps up to the plate whenever I need him to. I fall in love with him all over again while watching him be the dad he is. He makes the boys laugh like no one else can.
My in-laws, who are awesome and will come and help us out at the drop of a hat. My parents, who have always been my safety net in life.
I probably don’t say ‘thank you’ enough to all of them but as I finish writing this, I’m off to give them all a call and do just that.
Read more: Edith Bowman on communication